Video Games & Consoles
- 10tons Ltd
- 11 Bit Studios
- 1C Company
- 2k Games
- 2k Sports
- 2tainment
- 2WG
- 345 Games
- 34Big Things
- 3D Realms
- 505 Games
- Abbey Games
- Acclaim
- Accolade Games
- Activision
- Aerosoft
- Agent
- Akella
- Aksys Games
- Akupara Games
- Alawar Entertainment
- AldaAlda
- Aldorlea
- Alessandro
- All In Games
- Alterna
- Alternative Software Ltd
- Amused Sloth
- Angry Demon Studio
- Annapurna Interactive
- Ant Workshop
- Antler
- Anvil
- Application Systems Heidelberg
- ARC System Works
- Arcen
- Arimac
- Armor Games
- Art Games
- Artifex Mundi
- Arush
- Asmodee
- Aspyr
- Assemble Entertainment
- Asterion Games
- Astragon
- Atari
- Aterdux Entertainment
- Atlus
- Atomic Floyd
- Auroch Digital
- Awe Interactive
- Axis
- Axis Game Factory
- B Side
- Badland Games
- Bandai
- Battlecruiser Games
- Bedtime
- Behaviour
- Bello
- Berserk
- Bethesda Softworks
- Beyond
- Biart Company
- Big Fish Games
- Big Sugar Games
- Bigben Interactive
- Bit Planet
- BitComposer Games
- Black Forest Games
- Black Pants Game Studio
- Black Shell MediaBlack Shell Media
- Black Tower
- Blazing Bit Games
- Blazing Griffin
- Bloober Team
- Blowfish
- Blue Brain Games
- Blue Isle
- Bold Games
- Bonus Stage
- Bonus Stage Publishing
- Born Ready Games
- Bossa Studios
- Brackish
- Brightrock Games
- Brilliant
- Bumble3ee
- Bungie
- Byterockers Games
- Bytro
- Capcom
- Chainsawesome Games
- Cherry Kiss Games
- Chucklefish
- City Interactive
- Clapfoot Inc
- Clube Bossa
- Codemasters
- Coffee Stain Studios
- Compile Heart
- Conspiracy Entertainme
- Cottonista
- Crazy Monkey Studios
- Crunching Koalas
- Crytivo
- Curve Digital
- Cyanide
- D3
- Daedalic Entertainment
- DDD Wares
- Dead Drop Studios
- Dear Villagers
- Deceptive Games
- Deck 13
- Deep Silver
- Degica
- Denda Games
- Devolver Digital
- Dharker Studios
- Diax Arts
- Digerati
- DigiMight
- Digital Dragon Games
- Digital Dreams Entertainment
- Digital Jesters
- Digital Tribe
- Dikobraz Games
- Disney
- Dnovel
- Door407
- DotEmu
- Double Eleven
- Double Fine
- Double Stallion
- Dovetail
- DreamCatcher Interactive
- Dreamworks
- Ebi Hime
- Eclipse
- EGames
- Egosoft
- Eidos Interactive
- Eigomanga
- Electronic Arts
- Element
- Elliotts
- Elysium
- Empire Interactive
- Encore
- Endless Loop Studios
- Endless Spirit
- Enlight
- EnsenaSoft
- Epic
- Epic Tavern Holdings
- Erdem
- EuroVideo Medien GmbH
- Eversim
- Evil Twin
- Excalibur
- Exkee
- Exor Studios
- Exordium Games
- Expansive Worlds
- Fatshark
- Feardemic
- Feelthere
- Fellow Traveller
- Feral Interactive
- Fermenter Games
- Firefly
- Fireshine Games
- Fish Eagle
- Flashbulb Games
- Flazm
- Flying
- Flying Squirrel Entertainment
- FobTi interactive
- Focus Home Interactive
- Forever Entertainment
- Fossil
- Freebirdgames
- Freedom Games
- Frontier
- Frozen District
- Fruitbat Factory
- Funbox Media
- Funcom
- Funtastic
- Game Factory
- Game Mill Entertainment
- Gamecock
- Gameforge
- GameMill Entertainment
- Gamepires
- Gamera Game
- Gamerealmmadness
- Gamious
- Gaugepunk Games
- Gearbox Software
- Geometric Bytes
- Ghostlight
- Giant Army
- Giants Software
- Goblinz Studio
- Gogii Games
- Good Shepherd
- Got Game Entertainment
- Gotham Games
- Grab
- GrabTheGames
- Graffiti Entertainment
- Green Man Gaming
- Green Tile Digital
- Grey Alien Games
- Greybox
- GSC Game World
- Hailstorm Games
- Half Human Games
- HandyGames
- Hatinh Interactive
- HD Publishing
- Headup
- Hello Games
- Her Interactive
- HeroCraft
- HexWar Games
- Hound Picked Games
- Hoven
- Hudson Soft
- Huey
- Humble Bundle
- Humongous Entertainment
- Hyperstrange
- HypeTrain Digital
- Iceberg
- Idea Factory
- iEntertainment
- Ikaron
- Immanitas Entertainment
- Incandescent Games
- Infinity
- Infogrames
- Interplay
- InterWave Studios
- Introversion Software
- InXile Entertainment
- IO Interactive
- Iperurania Arts
- IV Productions
- Jackbox Games
- Jagex
- JetDogs Studios
- JoWood
- JoyBits
- Just For Games
- Kalypso Media
- Kasedo
- KChamp Games
- Keen Software House
- Kemco
- Kepler Interactive
- Kerberos Productions
- Kishmish Games
- Kiss Games
- Kitfox Games
- Klabater
- Knucklecase
- Koch Media
- Koei
- konami
- Lace Mamba
- Landfall Games
- Legacy Interactive
- Legend
- Libredia Entertainment
- Lighthouse Interactive
- Lion Castle Entertainment
- Lionsgate
- Little Green Men
- Live Motion Games
- Loren
- Lorenzo
- Lucas Art
- M2H
- Mad Head Games
- Majao Games
- Majesco
- Mamba Games
- Marmalade Game Studio
- Marvelous
- Mastertronic
- Mastiff
- Maverick Games
- Maximum Family Games
- MC2
- Mens Sana Interactive
- Merge Games
- Meridian4
- Merscom
- META Publishing
- Micro Application
- Microids
- MicroProse
- Microsoft
- Midas
- Midjiwan AB
- Midway Games
- Might and Delight
- Milestone
- Milkstone
- Mindscape
- Minibeast Game Studios
- Minor Key Games
- Misc Games
- Mixed Realms
- Mixtvision Games
- Mode 7
- Modus Games
- Moebius Games
- MoeNovel
- Monolith Productions
- Motorsport Game
- Motusmentis
- Mumbo Jumbo
- Mutant
- MWM Interactive
- Mythic
- N3V Games
- N3V Games Party
- N3vrf41l
- Nacon
- Namco
- Nano Games
- Natsume
- ND Games
- Neko
- Neocore Games
- Neowiz
- New World Interactive
- Nicalis
- Nightdive Studios
- Nintendo
- No Gravity Games
- Nomad
- Nordic Games
- NoTime Studios
- NovaLogic
- Nukearts
- NukGames
- Numskull Games
- Oasis Games
- One Bit Studio
- Osprey
- Overseer Games
- Oxymoron Game
- P2 Games
- Panache
- Parabole
- Paradox
- Paradox Gaming
- Phantom EFX
- Phoenix Games
- Phoenix Studio
- Phosphor Games
- Phosphor Watches
- Piko Interactive
- Pixel Maniacs
- PixelJAM
- Pixelsplit
- Plarium
- Playdead
- Playrise Digital Ltd
- PlayStack
- PlayWay
- Plug In Digital
- PM Studios
- Polarity Flow Games
- PQube
- Prime Matter
- Prince
- Private
- Psygnosis
- Psytec Games
- Puppygames
- Qubic Games
- Qubyte Interactive
- Qumaron
- RaceRoom Entertainment
- Raiser Games
- Rake
- Ransacked Studios
- Ravensburger
- Ravenscourt
- Raw Fury
- RealArcade
- Rebellion
- Red Barrels
- Redbak
- Reef
- Resolution Games
- Retroism
- Revelation Games
- Reverie World
- Revolution
- Rhino
- Ripstone
- Rising Star Games
- RLR Training
- Robot Entertainment
- Rockfish
- Rockstar
- Rogue
- Rogueside
- Rondomedia
- Roni Games
- RTL Interactive
- Saber
- Sakari Games
- Sammy
- Sanuk
- Savepoint Studios
- Schmidt Workshops
- SCi
- Screen 7 Games
- SCS Software
- Sega
- Sekai
- Sentry
- Shawn Beck
- Siberian
- Sierra
- Sigma
- SimBin
- Simon & Schuster
- Skybound Games
- Skydance Interactive
- Skydome
- Slitherine Software UK
- Snapshot Games
- Snowbird Games
- Soedesco
- Sold Out
- Sometimes You
- Sony
- Sony Online Entertainment
- SouthPeak
- Spacefarer Games
- Speedrobo Games
- Square Enix
- Starbreeze Studios
- Stardock
- Stealth
- Stellar
- StickyStoneStudio
- Stolen Shoes Entertainment
- Storming Tech
- Strategy First
- Strawberry Game Studios
- Supra
- Survios
- Swinfjord Games
- System 3
- Take Two Interactive
- TaleWorlds Entertainment
- Targem Games
- Team Reptile
- Team17 Software
- Techland
- Tecmo Koei
- Telltale Games
- The Adventure Co
- The Brotherhood
- The Game Creators
- The Irregular Corporation
- The Revills Games
- Thunderful Games
- Tin Man Games
- TinyBuild LLC
- Together
- Tommo Inc
- Tonguc Bodur
- Toplitz Productions
- TopWare Interactive
- Torn Banner Studios
- Triangle Studios
- Tribute Games
- Trion Worlds
- Tripwire Interactive
- Tuomos game
- Twin Stone Studio
- Ubisoft
- Ultimate Games
- United Games
- Valusoft
- Valve
- Versus
- Versus Evil
- Vertigo
- Vionsoft
- Virgin
- Virtual Arts
- Viva Media
- Vivendi
- Vivid Games
- Vrillar
- Wako Factory
- Wales Interactive
- Warcave
- Warner Bros
- WayForward
- Weather Factory
- Whatboy Games
- Whisper Games
- WildTangent
- Wired Productions
- Wolcen Studio
- Xrealgames
- XSeed
- Yogscast Games
- Youda Games
- Zachtronics
- ZeniMax Media
- Zerouno Games
- Ziggurat
- Zodiac
- Zoink
- Zoo York
- 11 Bit Studios
- 2k Games
- 2k Sports
- 505 Games
- Activision
- Aksys Games
- Annapurna Interactive
- Assemble Entertainment
- Atari
- Atlus
- Bandai
- Bigben Interactive
- Blizzard
- Capcom
- Chucklefish
- Curve Digital
- Deep Silver
- Devolver Digital
- Digerati
- Disney
- DotEmu
- Electronic Arts
- GameMill Entertainment
- Gearbox Software
- Graffiti Entertainment
- Humble Bundle
- konami
- Level 5
- MacSoft
- Marvelous
- Merge Games
- Microids
- Microsoft
- Milestone
- Modus Games
- Nacon
- Nintendo
- Numskull Games
- Outright Games
- Plug In Digital
- PM Studios
- PQube
- Private
- Rebellion
- Revolution
- Rockstar
- Sega
- Soedesco
- Spike Chunsoft
- Square Enix
- Studio Wildcard
- Taito
- TinyBuild LLC
- Tripwire Interactive
- Ubisoft
- Warner Bros
- Wired Productions
- Xseed
- Young Horses
- Ziggurat
- 2k Games
- 2K Sports
- 505 Games
- Activision
- Annapurna Interactive
- Astragon
- Atari
- Atlus
- Bandai
- Bethesda Softworks
- Big Ant Studios
- Blizzard
- Capcom
- Curve Digital
- Deep Silver
- Devolver Digital
- Electronic Arts
- Focus Home Interactive
- Frontier
- GameMill Entertainment
- Gearbox Software
- Good Shepherd
- Humble Bundle
- Illfonic
- Infogrames
- konami
- Krafton
- Marvelous
- Maximum Family Games
- Microids
- Microsoft
- Milestone
- Modus Games
- Numskull Games
- Outright Games
- Rebellion
- Rockstar
- Saber
- Sega
- Sony
- Square Enix
- Team17 Software
- Tecmo Koei
- Ubisoft
- Warner Bros
- Wired Productions
- 1C Company
- 2k Games
- 2k Sports
- 505 Games
- Activision
- Annapurna Interactive
- ARC System Works
- Atari
- Atlus
- Bandai
- Bethesda Softworks
- Big Ant Studios
- Bigben Interactive
- Blizzard
- Capcom
- City Interactive
- Codemasters
- Curve Digital
- Daedalic Entertainment
- Deep Silver
- Devolver Digital
- Disney
- DotEmu
- Double Fine
- EA Games
- Electronic Arts
- Focus Home Interactive
- Frontier
- Funbox Media
- Funcom
- GameMill Entertainment
- Gearbox Software
- Humble bundle
- Illfonic
- Kalypso Media
- Koei
- konami
- Krafton
- Lego
- Lionsgate
- MacSoft
- Marvelous
- Maximum Family Games
- Microids
- Microsoft
- Milestone
- Modus Games
- Nacon
- Namco
- Neowiz
- Nordic Games
- Numskull Games
- Outright Games
- Paradox
- PM Studios
- Prime Matter
- Private
- Ravenscourt
- Rebellion
- Reef
- Rising Star Games
- Rockstar
- Saber
- Sega
- Snail Games
- Soedesco
- Sold Out
- Sony
- Square Enix
- Studio Wildcard
- Supergiant Games
- Team17 Software
- Techland
- Tecmo Koei
- Telltale Games
- Tru Blu Entertainment
- Ubisoft
- Warner Bros
- Wired Productions
- 11 Bit Studios
- 2k Games
- 2k Sports
- 505 Games
- Activision
- Bandai
- Bethesda Softworks
- Bigben Interactive
- Blizzard
- Capcom
- Codemasters
- Dear Villagers
- Deep Silver
- Disney
- Double Fine
- EA Games
- Electronic Arts
- Focus Home Interactive
- Frontier
- Good Shepherd
- HandyGames
- IO Interactive
- Kalypso Media
- Koei
- konami
- Krafton
- MacSoft
- Microids
- Microsoft
- Milestone
- Modus Games
- Nacon
- Ninja
- Nordic Games
- Outright Games
- Paradox
- Private
- Ravenscourt
- Rebellion
- Reef
- Rockstar
- Saber
- Sega
- Square Enix
- Team17 Software
- Techland
- Tecmo Koei
- Telltale Games
- Ubisoft
- Versus
- Warner Bros
- Wired Productions
- 2k Sports
- Acclaim
- Activision
- Agetec
- Atari
- Atlus
- Bandai
- Black Bean
- Bold Games
- Codemasters
- Disney
- DreamCatcher Interactive
- Eidos Interactive
- Electronic Arts
- Empire Interactive
- Game Factory
- Global Star
- Gotham Games
- Ignition
- Infogrames
- Interplay
- Koei
- konami
- Liquid Games
- Lucas Art
- Midas
- Midway Games
- Namco
- Natsume
- Oxygen
- Phoenix Games
- Play It
- Rockstar
- Sega
- Sony
- Square Enix
- Take Two Interactive
- Ubisoft
- Universe
- Vivendi
- Warner Bros
- 2k Games
- 2k Sports
- 505 Games
- Activision
- Atari
- Atlus
- Bandai
- Bethesda Softworks
- Blizzard
- Capcom
- City Interactive
- Deep Silver
- Electronic Arts
- Fatshark
- Focus Home Interactive
- GameMill Entertainment
- Gearbox Software
- HandyGames
- Infogrames
- Krafton
- M2H
- Maximum Family Games
- Microids
- Microsoft
- Milestone
- Modus Games
- Nacon
- Nighthawk Interactive
- Prime Matter
- Rockstar
- Saber
- Sega
- Square Enix
- Team17 Software
- Techland
- TinyBuild LLC
- Ubisoft
- Warner Bros
- 2k Play
- 2k Sports
- 505 Games
- Atlus
- Brash
- Capcom
- D3
- Deep Silver
- Disney
- Electronic Arts
- Gamecock
- Ignition
- Namco
- Natsume
- Nintendo
- System 3
- Ubisoft
- Warner Bros
- 2k Games
- 505 Games
- Activision
- Atari
- Atlus
- Bandai
- Bethesda Softworks
- Capcom
- City Interactive
- Codemasters
- Deep Silver
- Eidos Interactive
- Electronic Arts
- Little Orbit
- Microsoft
- MTV Game
- Rockstar
- Sega
- Square Enix
- Tecmo
- Ubisoft
- Valve
- Vivendi
- Warner Bros
- 2k Games
- 2k Sports
- 505 Games
- Activision
- Aksys Games
- Atari
- Atlus
- Bandai
- Bethesda Softworks
- Bigben Interactive
- Blizzard
- Capcom
- Codemasters
- Deep Silver
- Eidos Interactive
- Electronic Arts
- Gamecock
- Koei
- konami
- MTV Game
- Namco
- Rising Star Games
- Rockstar
- Sega
- Sony
- Square Enix
- Tecmo
- Telltale Games
- Tru Blu Entertainment
- Ubisoft
- Valve
- Vivendi
- Warner Bros
- Yoostar
- 2k Play
- 2k Sports
- Activision
- Atlus
- Buena Vista
- Codemasters
- D3
- Disney
- DreamCatcher Interactive
- Eidos Interactive
- Electronic Arts
- Ignition
- konami
- Lucas Art
- Microsoft
- Midas
- Mumbo Jumbo
- Nintendo
- Shougakukan
- Square Enix
- Storm City Games
- Taito
- The Adventure Co
- Ubisoft
- Warner Bros